
Module used to start the master game loop.*args, **kwargs)
the_world :

The world to simulate.

window_width : int

The initial width of the window. Defaults to 1280.

window_height : int

The initial height of the window. Defaults to 800.

fullscreen : bool

Wheather the window should be fullscreen. Defaults to False.

clear_colour : tuple

A tuple of four ints representing a colour. Used to clear the window after each frame. Defaults to white.

show_fps : bool

Shows the FPS. Defaults to True.

ticks_per_second : int

The number of tick events that occur every second. Defaults to 60.

draw_rate : int

The frequency at which to re-draw the screen. A value of 1 will redraw it every tick. A value of 2 will redraw it every second tick. etc… Defaults to 1.

borderless : bool

Creates a borderless window. Defaults to false.

position : tuple of two ints

Places the window at a particular location on the screen. If not specified, the window will be positioned by the operating system.

vsync : bool

Enables vsync. Defaults to False.

draw_handler : callable



Stops the main game loop.


Not Implemented